Friday, February 11, 2011

Our Prayer for Law Enforcement Personnel

Since the end of 2010 there has been a marked increase in violence toward our brothers and sisters in Law Enforcement.  I urge everyone to increase their special intercessory prayers for these our guardians, in the coming weeks.

We contacted the four agencies in our community, and invited them to submit prayer requests, which we will bring to God during our next worship service.  After this Sunday’s worship, we will send ‘thank you” cards to each of the agencies.

We will also include a special prayer during our worship, spoken on behalf of all Law Enforcement Personnel.  You can view it on my church blog:

by Pastor Ray Long
(L - leader / C - congregation)

L:    Heavenly Father,
    As I leave my loved ones’ side, to begin each of my tours;
    guard and protect them well, as I go to protect all others.

C:  May it always be so, Lord.

L:    Let my badge serve to remind me, You’re my shield and strong right arm;
    Let my badge shine in darkness, as a beacon to those alarmed.

C:  May it always be so, Lord.

L:    Let my weapon serve as a sign, to halt suspects’ foolish acts;
    but if I must draw and fire, let my aim be true and fast.

C:  May it always be so, Lord.

L:    Your grace carries me with courage, where others fear to tread;
    that I may free from danger, all those who are in need.

C:  May it always be so, Lord.

L:    Let my radio be a link, to brother and sister sentinels;
    that I may heed the call, when sounds the warning bells.

C:  May it always be so, Lord.

L:    At the end of each tour of service, remind me I’ve done my best;
    then prepare my heart and my mind, for the loved ones with whom I’m blest.

C:  May it always be so, Lord.

L:    If harm should ever befall me, and my tour not quietly end;
    comfort my loved ones knowing, I served where I could defend.

C:  May it always be so, Lord.

L:    I pray this for all Law Enforcement Personnel, in the name of
       Christ Jesus, Your Son, Our Savior;


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