Months ago, we formed a 'Tiger Team.' This team was a small group of people, representing different facets of our congregation; who focus on one, short-term task: Determine “What 5 Things Does Our Church Offer?”
The idea was to use these findings in advertising, and telling others about our church.
Our Tiger Team included the Pastor, an Elder, the Sunday School Director, a Youth Member, and a Grandma.
We began with it being “given,” that Saint John’s, "Proclaims the Word of God in truth and purity, and rightly administers the Sacraments."
After months of prayer, meditation, and coordination, here are the top five things our Church offers according to the work of our Tiger Team:
- Church is set in calm, pastoral, country surroundings, but only a couple miles from town.
- Our church gives a guiding hand to help those in need, like Japan.
- Our church gives encouragement to children to participate in the church service.
- The comfort of the traditional, liturgical worship of your grandma and grandpa, while addressing contemporary issues, and challenges that you face each day.
- We teach that the Bible is God's word and contains no errors.
Below are other findings, which did not make the top five:
- Service starts at 10am and almost always gets finishes by 11am.
- Small Church in which you can know everyone – know your brothers and sisters in Christ.
- We are a small church, but we are continually supporting the local food banks.
- We are a small church, but we have a special worship service/event almost every month.
- We are a small church, but we have the heart and dedication to do anything God throws at us.
- We are a small church, but we offer a variety of programs to choose from, that will enable you to grow spiritually.
- We are excited when a visitor is in attendance, and show them they are welcome.
- We don't give up when trials/issues threaten to divide us.
- When a job needs to be done, whether with the physical or spiritual aspects, someone jumps in.